Hi there! Thank you so much for your interest in the PH Method!
Please check out the FAQ below.
All other inquiries: peri@phmethod.com
Frequently Asked Questions
The easiest way to get started is to sign up for my On Demand New Client Trial and experience the first 7-days working out with me for FREE and receive unlimited access to my On Demand Video Library with 100’s of workouts available for you to try anytime, from anywhere!
My extensive On Demand library of offerings gives you a variety of content in varying time frames to meet your needs. My classes are effective and fun with clear instruction, demonstration and modifications offered throughout. All of the workouts can be adapted if you have little to no equipment at home. You can filter your search for videos by time frame, equipment, body part and more. The latest videos can be viewed in the ‘Classes of the Week’ section.
Head to the ‘Equipment’ section on our Resource page to see the equipment we recommend for your at-home workouts.
We hate to see you go but if you need to cancel your membership you can do so at any time via your account or contacting us at peri@phmethod.com
Private training is a worthwhile investment if you are looking for a fully customized approach to exercise that is tailored to your specific needs and goals. If you struggle to motivate yourself to do virtual workouts at home then scheduling in a weekly session with a trainer is a great way to keep you accountable and on track. The beauty of Private Training with me is that we can be flexible in our approach and I totally understand if we need to workout around your kids or work schedule. Interested to learn more about Private Training? Email peri@phmethod.com